Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dino plushies vol. 1

CAVES!!Run little vegesaurus's! Run away from the meatasaurus!

Little rock cave with dinosaur plushies!! It's just so cute! This set is beautifully made by FAO Schwarz with 7 different dinosaurs "peacefully co-exist" in a plush rock cave. I know its for ages 3+... but I still think it's cool. A little pricey though, $80+ (including delivery) [maybe try Ebay ;)].

Or there is the cheap knock-off version, Dinosaur House. Just as cute, but less grrrr. Around $20-$30. The difference between this version and the one above is the "missing" zip cave door; instead the dinos are squished into the tiny crevices.

And lastly, there is My Dinosaur Friends! Yay!! But this time you get a Cave person (I can't tell if it's a guy or girl :P), and a half hatched dino chick! For me, this is the more extreme of timeline mashing - that is, of course, if you are adamant that early humans walked around in fear of being eaten by vicious roaming dinosaurs, then this will seem the most accurate plush set! Raaarrrr!! This little set will cost you about $15-$25.

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